Saturday, September 08, 2007

Allow or Enable Part 2

Just after I posted Part 1 I found:

A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web

No less than 4 lines starting with 'Allow' - oh no.

Empowerment not permissions please.

Allow or Enable Part 1

So I'm starting a new season of conferences and development days MIX:UK07 is on Tuesday. I am very likely to be hearing what the major corporations are going to Allow developers to do. I don't want to be Allowed - I want the development Enabled.

Allowed / Enabled, what's the big deal? What's the difference?

Well consider the two following statements:

My parents allowed me to go to college.
My parents enabled me to go to college.

It is a difference of attitude - it ranks up there with 'expose the
functionality'. It is actively supporting instead of giving permission.

Part 2

MIXUK07 Software Development

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Offline RIA?

So I need to build a cross-platform (Mac & PC) RIA that works offline - Silverlight 1.1 plus Google Gears? Or the competition?

That's why I'm going to Mix 07 - any opinions?